• About Us

  • We here at TankStop are not only extremely passionate about our business and providing the healthiest saltwater fish, coral and inverts online, but we are also extremely dedicated hobbyists.

    TankStop was started by leaders in the live fish and coral industry. With decades of combined experience in the industry, we only work with the best sources for live fish and coral.

    Before starting TankStop the founders have had a long standing relationship with each other and everything finally aligned for us to all work together on the site.

    We each have our own areas of expertise that complement each other and will allow TankStop to become the best source for both livestock and aquarium supplies.

    Having owned large livestock distribution companies in the past has given TankStop the type of connections for fish, coral and supplies that is unparalleled. We simply have access to every type of fish and coral out there.

    Our sister site Among The Reef was started years ago to be the premier source for extremely high end collector’s saltwater fish and coral. Over the years we have built an impeccable reputation for being the most trusted source for finding healthy top tier livestock.

    We have also started and run high traffic and high sales volume websites over the past 15 years. Our background is in high level software architecture, making sure TankStop is easy to navigate and extremely responsive.

    TankStop also only works with the World’s best providers of livestock, so we have full trust in telling our customers that our livestock is amongst the healthiest, if not the healthiest, livestock available online.

    TankStop in the end is a site for hobbyists run by hobbyists…

    If you have any questions about TankStop, please feel free to contact us.

    Browse the categories below to look over our selection of saltwater fish, coral, inverts and live rock...