Red Orange Silk Coral
Livestock might vary slightly from above picture, but should be a good representation...
  • Red Orange Silk Coral Image 1
  • Red Orange Silk Coral

  • Scleronephthya sp.

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  • Tank Size:
    Tempermant: Peaceful
    Lighting: Low
    Water Flow: Moderate
    Placement: Anywhere
    Maximum Size:
    Coloration: Pink, Orange, Red
    Regions Found: Indo-Pacific Ocean, Indonesia
    Reef Compatible:
    Experience Level: Expert
    Guarantee: DOA Guarantee Only
    Water Conditions: 74-82° F, SG 1.020-1.027, PH 7.9-8.5
    Other Names: Flower Tree Coral, Umbellulifera sp, Strawberry Coral, Red Orange Flower Tree Coral, Pink Orange Cauliflower Coral
  • Description
  • The Red Orange Silk Coral is an elegant and colorful soft coral. Red Orange Silk Corals tend to be mostly red or orange in color and grow in a branching manner.

    Red Orange Silk Corals can generally be placed anywhere in the tank. They should need to be in an area with low lighting and moderate water flow. Red Orange Silk Corals do not like to be in strong direct flow, so having indirect and random flow will really benefit them. After you place your Red Orange Silk Coral, watch it for a day or two to see any signs of recession. If you see that the coral seems to be unhappy with its placement, just move it to an area with less direct water flow until it completely opens up.

    Red Orange Silk Corals are peaceful corals and can be placed close to other non-aggressive coral species. Red Orange Silk Corals will also benefit from having trace elements added back into the tank. This can be accomplished by either water changes or dosing.

    Red Orange Silk Corals do not get nutrition from lighting, so they require food to survive. Adding foods like baby brine and mysis shrimp and plankton will help keep your Red Orange Silk Coral healthy and happy.

    If you have any questions about the Red Orange Silk Coral and if it's the right coral for your system, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Tiny: Up to 2.5", Small: Over 2.5-3", Small / Medium: Over 3-3.5", Medium: Over 3.5-4", Medium / Large: Over 4-4.5", Large: Over 4.5-5.5", Extra Large: Over 5.5-6.5", Extra Extra Large: Over 6.5-7.5", Show Size: Over 7.5"

    If you have any questions please contact Eric Cohen TankStop owner and well respected industry veteran.

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